Products related to RGB:
AOPEN RGB Light Sticks
Dodaj trochę klimatu do twojej muzyki, filmów i gier wraz z RGB Light Stick, 9 wbudowanych efektów świetlnych obsługiwanych z poziomu Twojego komputera, 5 wbudowanych efektów świetlnych obsługiwanych przyciskiem, Dzięki oficjalnej aplikacji RGB Light Sense, twoje light sticks i inne urządzenia są synchronizowane jednolitymi efektami świetlnymi, DOSTĘPNY (Dostawa w ciągu 1-4 dni roboczych),
Price: 313.95 € | Shipping*: 17.99 PLN € -
Blumfeldt Moody Solar ST Remote, lampa, solárna, IP44, RGB svetlo
Pre príjemné prostredie vo vonkajšom prostredí: solárna lampa Blumfeldt Moody Solar ST Remote vytvára v záhrade, na balkóne alebo na terase domácu atmosféru obývacej izby. Svojím vzhľadom príjemne vyniká medzi bežnými záhradnými lampami a vyzerá zdanlivo podobne ako bežná stojaca lampa.Praktická lampa je v okamihu nainštalovaná a umiestnená. Vďaka kvalitnému solárnemu modulu osvetľuje lampa svoje okolie až počas desiatich hodín. Vďaka 7-farebnej RGB LED žiarovke šíri do okolia svetlo tak, aby vyhovovalo každej nálade, alebo mení farby úplne automaticky. Na tento účel má aj diaľkový ovládač, pomocou ktorého je možné pohodlne ovládať nielen farbu svetla, ale aj režim zmeny farby. Stabilné tienidlo z PE je extrémne robustné, stojan z práškovo lakovanej ocele je odolný voči korózii a poveternostným vplyvom. O bezpečnosť vo vonkajšom prostredí je tiež postarané: s triedou ochrany IP44 je lampa chránená pred dažďovými prehánkami. Pretože nie je potrebné sieťové pripojenie, lampa Blumfeldt Moody Solar ST môže byť v exteriéri umiestnená mimoriadne flexibilne.Či už na balkóne, v záhrade, alebo dokonca uprostred lúky: lampa Moody Solar ST Remote od spoločnosti Blumfeldt prináša obývačku do vonkajšieho prostredia a príjemnú atmosféru do tmy.
Price: 753.06 € | Shipping*: 17.99 PLN € -
Beamz FlatPAR, 36 x 1W, PAR reflektor, RGB, LED, DMX, IR, diaľkový ovládač
Reflektor beamZ FlatPAR ovládne každú párty. Zariadenie svojimi 36 LED svetlami umožňuje množstvo efektov v rôznych farebných kombináciách. Efekty sa riadia buď podľa aktuálne hrajúcej hudby (vďaka zabudovanému mikrofónu) alebo podľa automatického režimu. Reflektor možno zreťaziť s inými efektmi prostredníctvom 6 kanálového DMX riadenia. Na ten účel ponúka zariadenie niekoľko portov.LED reflektor nevytvára len ohromujúce svetelné efekty, ale vďaka LED technológii zabezpečuje aj energetickú úspornosť, ktorá predlžuje životnosť zariadenia (pre nízke zahrievanie sa) a šetrí aj peniaze.Všestranne použiteľný, úsporný a ohromujúci pre efekty. beamZ reflektorom FlatPar získate do svojej zbierky skutočný svetelný multitalent.
Price: 729.36 € | Shipping*: 17.99 PLN € -
Fenton TL15LED, 3-cestný pasívny reproduktor, RGB LED, 15“ woofer 800W, stredový horn, tweeter
Everybody let's rock! Pasívny reproduktor Fenton TL15LED rozozvučí vaše uši! Nezáleží, či ako súčasť domáceho systému, ako výbava pre mobilných dídžejov alebo na vybavenie štúdií - dobrý zvuk je tu.3-cestný reproduktor Fenton TL15LED ponúka 15" (38 cm) basovým reproduktorom silný výstupný výkon 800 W, čisté stredy a výšky vďaka stredovému hornu a piezo výškovému tweeteru. Mimoriadnu atmosféru vytvára UFO svetelný efekt na wooferi ovládaný hudbou. Ľahká, ale robustná konštrukcia v karbónovej optike s ochranami na rohoch sa mimoriadne hodí na prenášanie. Kovové mriežky chránia reproduktory pred nárazmi. Pre montáž na statív je k dispozícii normovaná príruba s priemerom 35 mm.Profesionál na realizáciu podujatí: pasívny PA reproduktor Fenton TL15LED poriadne ozvučí každú párty.Vezmite, prosím, na vedomie, že v tomto prípade ide o pasívny reproduktor, pre ktorého napájanie je potrebný zosilňovač.
Price: 893.26 € | Shipping*: 17.99 PLN €
What RGB software is available for hardware components?
There are several RGB software options available for controlling RGB lighting on hardware components. Some popular choices include ASUS Aura Sync, MSI Mystic Light, Gigabyte RGB Fusion, Corsair iCUE, and NZXT CAM. These software programs allow users to customize and synchronize the RGB lighting on their components to create unique lighting effects.
Can Asus peripherals with RGB be controlled through iCUE?
No, Asus peripherals with RGB lighting cannot be controlled through iCUE. iCUE is a software developed by Corsair specifically for controlling Corsair peripherals and components. Asus peripherals with RGB lighting typically come with their own software, such as Aura Sync, which is used to control the RGB lighting effects on Asus devices.
Do you like RGB on hardware?
As an AI, I don't have personal preferences, but I can tell you that many people enjoy RGB lighting on their hardware because it adds a visually appealing and customizable element to their setup. RGB lighting can also be used to indicate system status or provide ambient lighting in a room. However, some people prefer a more minimalist or understated look, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference.
What is a GPU RGB software?
A GPU RGB software is a program that allows users to customize and control the RGB lighting on their graphics processing unit (GPU). This software enables users to change the color, brightness, and effects of the RGB lighting on their GPU to match their overall system aesthetic or personal preference. It provides a user-friendly interface for adjusting the RGB settings and can often sync with other RGB components in the computer system for a cohesive lighting experience.
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Jóvenes, máquinas y software
Este libro es el resultado de un proyecto de investigación-producción, una experiencia de creación colectiva y una espiral de invención conceptual y tecnológica "desde abajo". No enfatiza en las "carencias", sino en el aprovechamiento de las ricas capacidades humanas y recursos con que cuentan las instituciones educativas, y en las posibilidades de intensa inversión de trabajo humano creativo en las máquinas. De este proceso surge el concepto de "exoprogramación", entendida como la capacidad de programar socialmente los usos de tecnologías de diversa naturaleza, de viejo y nuevo tipo, sin que sean el centro del aprendizaje. Ello exige asumir el espesor y densidad local, la riqueza social y cultural de los entornos y la condición situada del conocer. El proyecto se desarrolló en la Biblioteca Pública Municipal del Deporte y la Recreación de Cali (Colombia) con un grupo de jóvenes videojugadores y se formalizó en la plataforma narrativa y digital "Mi Biblio es una Nave". El libro consigna el proceso de construcción conceptual y cada uno de los recursos o aplicaciones que se desarrollaron en dicha plataforma. ¡La Nave ha despegado y ha dejado las condiciones para que otros vuelen con ella, la hagan suya y la reinventen!
Price: 47.99 € | Shipping*: 0.00 € -
Funktionsreferenzmodell für ERP-Software
Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis des Wirtschaftsinformatikprojekts der Hochschule Bonn Rhein-Sieg. Es entstand unter Anleitung von Prof. Dr. Alexandra Kees.
Price: 12.52 € | Shipping*: 0.00 € -
Silverlight 4 Business Intelligence Software
Business intelligence (BI) software allows you to view different components of a business using a single visual platform, which makes comprehending mountains of data easier. BI is everywhere. Applications that include reports, analytics, statistics, and historical and predictive modeling are all examples of business intelligence. Currently, we are in the second generation of business intelligence software—called BI 2.0—which is focused on writing business intelligence software that is predictive, adaptive, simple, and interactive. As computers and software have evolved, more data can be presented to end users with increasingly visually rich techniques. Rich Internet application (RIA) technologies such as Microsoft Silverlight can be used to transform traditional user-interfaces filled with boring data into fully interactive analytical applications that quickly deliver insight from large data sets. Furthermore, RIAs now include 3D spatial-design capabilities that move beyond a simple list or grid and allow for interesting layouts of aggregated data. BI 2.0 implemented via an RIA technology can truly bring out the power of business intelligence and deliver it to an average user on the Web. Silverlight 4 Business Intelligence Software provides developers, designers, and architects with a solid foundation in business intelligence design and architecture concepts for Microsoft Silverlight. This book covers key business intelligence design concepts and how they can be applied without an existing BI infrastructure. Author Bart Czernicki provides you with examples of how to build small BI applications that are interactive, highly visual, statistical, predictive—and most importantly—intuitive to the end-user. Business intelligence isn’t just for the executive branch of a Fortune 500 company—it is for the masses. Let Silverlight 4 Business Intelligence Software show you how to unlock the rich intelligence you already have.
Price: 209.56 € | Shipping*: 0.00 € -
Software Development From A to Z
Understand the big picture of the software development process. We use software every day – operating systems, applications, document editing programs, home banking – but have you ever wondered who creates software and how it’s created? This book guides you through the entire process, from conception to the finished product with the aid of user-centric design theory and tools. Software Development: From A to Z provides an overview of backend development - from databases to communication protocols including practical programming skills in Java and of frontend development - from HTML and CSS to npm registry and Vue.js framework. You'll review quality assurance engineering, including the theory about different kind of tests and practicing end-to-end testing using Selenium.  Dive into the devops world where authors discuss continuous integration and continuous delivery processes along with each topic's associated technologies. You'll then explore insightful product and project management coverage where authors talk about agile, scrum and other processes from their own experience. The topics that are covered do not require a deep knowledge of technology in general; anyone possessing basic computer and programming knowledge will be able to complete all the tasks and fully understand the concepts this book aims at delivering. You'll wear the hat of a project manager, product owner, designer, backend, frontend, QA and devops engineer, and find your favorite role.  What You'll Learn Understand the processes and roles involved in the creation of software Organize your ideas when building the concept of a new product Experience the work performed by stakeholders and other departments of expertise, their individual challenges, and how to overcome possible threats Improve the ways stakeholders and departments can work with each other Gain ideas on how to improve communication and processes Who This Book Is For  Anyone who is on a team that creates software and is curious to learn more about other stakeholders or departments involved. Those interested in a career change and want to learn about how software gets created. Those who want to build technical startups and wonder what roles might be involved in the process.
Price: 197.00 € | Shipping*: 0.00 €
Which RGB software is the best?
The best RGB software ultimately depends on individual preferences and the specific needs of the user. Some popular options include Corsair iCUE, Razer Synapse, and ASUS Aura Sync, each offering unique features and compatibility with different hardware. It's important to consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, and compatibility with your existing hardware when determining which RGB software is the best for your setup. Ultimately, the best RGB software is the one that best meets your specific needs and allows you to achieve the lighting effects you desire.
'Signal RGB or the manufacturer's software?'
The choice between Signal RGB and the manufacturer's software depends on your specific needs and preferences. Signal RGB is a third-party software that offers advanced customization options for RGB lighting and can work with multiple brands of RGB-enabled components. On the other hand, the manufacturer's software is designed specifically for their products and may offer more seamless integration and compatibility. Consider factors such as the number and brand of RGB components you have, the level of customization you desire, and the ease of use when making your decision.
Is there a way to operate 5V RGB components on 12V RGB connectors?
No, it is not recommended to operate 5V RGB components on 12V RGB connectors. The voltage difference can damage the components and potentially cause a short circuit. It is important to match the voltage requirements of the components with the connectors to ensure safe and proper functioning. If you need to use 5V RGB components with a 12V RGB connector, you may need to use a voltage regulator or converter to adjust the voltage appropriately.
How can I synchronize all RGB components?
To synchronize all RGB components, you can use software or hardware that is specifically designed for RGB synchronization. Many motherboard manufacturers offer software that allows you to control and synchronize RGB components connected to the motherboard. Additionally, there are also standalone RGB controllers available that can synchronize RGB components from different manufacturers. By using these tools, you can ensure that all your RGB components are working together to create a cohesive and synchronized lighting effect.
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